On Four Loves

 1. There is a young love, an infatuation 
An enigmatic and childish passion 
That blossoms too early, and fades dangerously late
Often unreturned and sweetly remembered 

2. Beyond this there is a defiant love 
One that is destined to be obviously doomed 
Though the soul is determined and willful 
A rebellious creature, this love serves to prove a point but nothing more 

3. There is a predictable love, sometimes multiple 
In which the statistics prove a rare stability 
The logic bursting forth with brilliant dullness 
And while it is steady, it lacks the joy of danger that should always accompany even the first look

4. There is a final love 
One that has run beneath the young, defiant, and predictable since desire was first awakened
It is the best part of every stranger, friend, and suitor brought from past to present
It is a familiar love, a deep seated friendship, requited, easygoing, and infinite. 


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