12 Answers to Bhanu Kapil's 12 Questions for the Vertical Interrogation of Strangers
1. The collection and absence of many things (I am both proud and ashamed of). What kind of love are you asking me about.
2. I came from my mother, I came from a hole or God or heaven or hell (depending on whom you ask I suppose). Arrived in the night, arrived quietly, arrived grown and aging.
3. I will begin with a confession. Is that not how everything begins?
4. Wildly. Stupidly.
5. I cannot find one straight line, so certainly not regularly geometrical.
6. Me as soon as I arrived. (see 2)
7. I remember it as bitter and then I remember the earth is not her people. So I remember (without being jaded) the greens, and the peaks, and the valleys, and the water, and the ice, and the heat, and the rocks, and the sand, and the changes.
8. Oblivion. So I ask, I will always ask, though it has yet to not be detrimental. If you break the silence I suppose you must always be prepared to be disappointed.
9. More than I'd like, and less than most.
10. Flagstaff, two years ago, summer, breathing.
11. I have not. I hope it takes me by surprise or not at all.
12. Nothing and that I love you.
1. I am many things, sometimes it even feels I am many different people. But overall I am unapologetically myself. I love many different people, each in their own way and all varyingly unconditionally.
ReplyDelete2. I come from a biological process that is called reproduction and I came into the world kicking and screaming before accepting my surroundings and finding my feet.
3. By overthinking, or just by saying fuck'it, always surprising myself.
4. In the moment, far too long have I been stuck in the future.
5. Like a monument, not the chiseled or pompous kind more like the warm, homely feeling ones.
6. Many things have caused the suffering of my mother, tho admittedly I could be kinder with her sometimes.
7. The life it breeds, the harshness it allows and the beauty of it all.
8. A moment in time, where nothing stirs but everything is understoond.
9. Depends on if you're asking about the pysical or the mental kind. Either way probably more than I care to admit.
10. I wake up most days without fear, as it tends to sneak up me once I have left the warm embrace of my bed.
11. There is no prepping for the inevitable except living a life where, when the unavoidable catches up with me i'll go out with a smile and gratitude.
12. If I ever leave this world alive i'll never leave another word unspoken.